My 3D work
Hello, I’m Reuben, a 3D Artist
My skills are more along the technical side for example rigging, python and modelling.
However, I am quick to learn new software as I am always picking up new skills.
I also am a big fan of mixed media animation and mixing and blurring the lines between styles.
Modelling and Environment Showreel
Generalist Showreel
Rigging Showreel
Animation Showreel
Tale of the Folige and the Moth
Work Breakowns
The Ballroom Set
This is the set for my final major project. All assets were modelled by me. I created a object that allowed me to draw the vines to add to the object.
Studio Ghibli Robot
I wanted something stylised as much of my work was more towards realism. I personally like stylised work and it gives me a lot to experiment with.
This mini project was to be done in a week and was a mini challenge for me. It was partially inspired by “_kmotion_” as a social media experiment on how to present a story in a portrait format.
A part of this scene that was difficult was creating the grass, this is because grass is intensive to render and that grass in anime doesn’t obey realistic rules.
I had to create a custom shader that would have a sun ray that sweeps over the scene.
I also had a geometry node that created flowers that were placed on the planes. These flowers were subdivided squared with emission shaders, but I believe they sold the effect well without lowering render times.

Folige Character Rig
This is a character I created for my final project at university. They were modelled in blender and textured in Substance.
For the design of the Folige I initially wanted a character who felt like a mysterious creature shrouded in a cover of leaves. As the idea grew, I slowly changed the characters cloak to a dress.
I then planned for the character to be in the cloak in approach to the ball but takes off the cloak and revealing the wonderful dress covered in the bioluminescent moss.
The design changed to being a ballerina on the top of a music box and her being made out of worn plastic
The Roundabout
In this work, I wanted to create an eerie feeling of loneliness. A carousel represents childhood wonder; I find it mesmerising to be around. The scene also having the camera spin creates a dance with the carousel that frames all the little lights together.

Nixie Tubes
Created this asset to help teach myself drivers, geometry nodes and python in blender. The light numbers can be encoded and change a value in geometry nodes to change the material and thickness of the filament in the light.

Glamrock Freddy Rig (Blender)
This is a rig I made of the Steelwool Character Glamrock Freddy!
This project was to teach me proper rigging techniques. Also, the weight painting would be particularly difficult. I also learnt how to create IK/FK switches and how the blender IK system works.

Stormy Night
This was an experiment into water lighting, as well as making dramatic scenes and volumetrics.
Lambda Pringles Collaboration (WIP)
When I was shadowing at Lambda Film Studios I got the opportunity work with them on a project, this being marketing a new pringles flavour that we had created!

Fake S24 Promo Images
This was a test in my ability to recreate a product faithfully and making pleasing looking renders that could work on an advertising campaign.
The Car Park
I had been feeling the urge to make a spookier or horror project as I have always had a fondness to creating.
I was inspired by found footage like blair witch project and also liminal space horror. liminal spaces are empty or abandoned places that appear eerie, forlorn, and often surreal.
They are places that are familiar but are devoid of people. Leaving an unsettling feeling. For both of these I wanted this feeling.